Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The "Not So Much" List

Ok, Im starting a "not so much list". As in "KC, how did you like Frankfurt airport?" "Hmmm...not so much..." Both Frankfurt airport and Lufthansa get this award so far. My trip into Frankfurt was great - I just had my little backpack and I walked around the town for about 5 hours, had a glass of appel wine, took some pictures and headed back to the airport. i learned that frankfurters (do they really call themselves that?) like their bicycles and never ever ever cross the street unless the light tells them they can. Oh, and theyve rediscovered german pride after years of WWII shame. the black yellow and red flags are everywhere. while I wouldnt say Frankfurt is the MOST interesting city I've ever wandered around in for 5 hours, it does have its charms.

Now Frankfurt airport, thats another story. Even after killing 7 of my 10 hours in layover purgatory by leaving the airport, I still had another 3 to tour this lame airport. No tempting restaurants, no interesting shopping (at least that i could afford), though they did have a sex shop (right next to the childrens clothing store...). Anyway, my impression was not helped by the fact that despite all the time i had on my hands to guarantee that i was the first person to board the flight, i instead ended up being among the very very last. I actually spent the 20 minutes before my flight running through the airport following the security person that knew where my credit card had run off to (long story, but I basically resigned myself to the embarrassment and inconvenience of having lost my primary - though thankfully not only - credit card in the first 24 hours of my trip...turns out i dropped it on the floor when passing through passport control...story better told in person)

As for Lufthansa's place on my list, well, its for more traditional reasons. Its hard for an airline to be less fun to fly internationally than United, but after this trip, Im rethinking that. Lufthansas lovely feather pillows and free booze (united now charges, even on international) were definitely outweighed by its cramped seating, awful food and lack of individual monitors or good movies. but what really got me were their seat back rules. thats right. rules about when you can put your seat back. Having eaten before i boarded, i had no interest in waiting for the airplane food. so i decided to sleep. so i decided to put my seat back. and was promptly told by the stewardess that it was "not time for sleeping yet" and so i must keep my seat up for the comfort of the person behind me. Do any of you have thoughts on this? Is there seat back etiquette that I should be aware of?

1 comment:

natedawg said...

Hahaha -- As a tall person, I'm glad the flight attendant reprimanded you for your inconsiderate seat reclining... LOL